Posted by : XERO
Thursday, July 31, 2014
I think that before tonight's big release, that I should be clear with our audience and critics about a few things. The next few episodes that we engage in are going two be intense. I'm not saying that because I want you to be excited about it (even though I do), but I'm saying it so you can decide whether or not you want to tune in. I do this out of respect for our audience. I don't think that this series is going to be for people who are easily offended or scared. There are parts of the show that borderline on horror. There are things in episode 2 that are downright difficult to listen to.You might think that I'm shooting myself in the foot releasing this kind of disclaimer early on, but I really want to be able to detach the story you're about to hear from the personality that most of you know, and from the person I am. Although the characters are in some way extensions of myself, the story itself is analogous to the world that we currently live in.
I take a lot of creative liberties in entertaining a future that most of you have already interpreted, and infused those ideas with the somewhat unique perspective that I personally hold when confronted with these ideologies myself.
The result is dystopian. And while the content can be intense and sometimes seems unnecessary, I hold no regret in my finished work. I truly believe that I have written a parable that is a suitable and appropriate reflection of our world.
As always, we thank you for your support, and we thank you for listening.
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